What do you love about golden retrievers?
Did you know I’ve lived with three of them? My family had Kacy, Brittni and most recently our sweet Elsie.
I’ve also had the opportunity to walk several golden retrievers through my canine walking business. people love goldens! and in some cases it seems like if you have one golden sooner or later you’ll have another!
For this post I asked several golden retriever owners what they love many about their dogs.
Here’s what they had to say:
“What do you love about your golden retriever?”
Ashley Jacobs and Diamond:
“I love my golden because she helps me save lives of homeless animals through our company, Sitting for a Cause. There aren’t numerous goldens I know of whose lives have positively impacted the lives of those beyond their immediate family, so I couldn’t be much more happy of the contribution my girl has made to help homeless animals have pleased lives!”
Saphira Hruby and Corey:
“I love my golden because he was a rescue and is fearless when it concerns giving and receiving love – despite what he’s been through. I also love my golden because he’s a great foot warmer.”
Erica Walther Schlaefer and Beatrice:
“I love my golden because she is sweet and client with my 3 young children.”
Sam Williamson and Max:
“I love my golden retriever because he is a rubbish retriever! He couldn’t catch a flu.”
Gabriella (age 4) and Galileo:
“I love my golden retriever because he lays on me, keeps me warm, and makes me laugh.”
Cody Suher and Lola:
“I love my golden retriever because she is, and always has been, full of personality. Goldens are intuitive, playful and gentle. She instinctually realizes when she is with an elderly person and when she is with a small child. and I promise she understands English.”
Linda Varrell and Grace, Zoe & Roxy:
“I love my three goldens because they are remarkable chief Morale Officers at work. They come to the office on a regular basis and interact with our employees, clients and neighbors. They are an integral part of our families at work and at home.”
Dana Fedman and Zak Russell:
“He excels at his job of cuddling and making me laugh.”
Diane Hefferon and Alex:
“There is too numerous reasons but some of the major ones are my daughter grew up learning how to walk with my golden and he never got upset. Alex plays with my daughter and friends. He thinks he is one of them. I love my canine like he is my son, he cuddles and hugs. He is the cutest canine ever, not just looks but the cutest personality.”
Lauren Humenesky and Teddy:
“I love my golden retriever because he captures the spirit of what we ought to all strive to be – carefree, full of love and endlessly happy, with our hair blowing in the wind. Teddy is the sweetest puppy on the planet and he always has a way of making everything better.”
Ashley Leavy and Sisi:
“I love my golden because her ears are like velvet and she loves good food as much as I do. I love the way she snores when she sleeps and the way her toes wiggle when she’s dreaming.”
Lauren Santucci and AJ & Romeo:
“I love goldens because they are the most faithful, loving dogs. I count on them 100 percent with children and they are beautiful! I love to come home to them because all they want is hugs and kisses, what’s better than that?”
(Lauren and her dogs are imagined with Robert, Zak and Cecelia Santucci)
Do you have a golden retriever or golden retriever mix?
If you’d like to be added to this post, just email a picture of you with your canine to Lindsay@ThatMutt.com. fill in the blank (1-2 sentences): I love my golden retriever because …
I’ll keep updating this post whenever anybody wants to participate.
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